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Buying A Home With The Intention To Rent It Out? 3 Reasons To Consider A Duplex

24 November 2019
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Purchasing a duplex can be a great option when you've been thinking for a while about buying a property to rent out to a tenant. While becoming a property owner and a landlord can be a great way to earn some extra income, it can also come with a lot of work to the point where it could be considered a part-time job. While buying a home or condo to rent out can be an option, it's a good idea to look into the many benefits of buying a duplex home instead. Read More …

3 Ways That A Property Manager Can Make Your Life Easier

24 November 2019
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Renting out a property is something that you may have found to be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, but you may also have realized that it is not something that you want to do for the rest of your life. However, this does not mean that you want to or should give up your rental property, especially when it has already been proven that it can be a successful venture. Read More …

House Hunting? How To ‘Right Size’ Your Home Choice

23 November 2019
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When you go shopping for family homes, you'll have a lot of choices as to layout, size, shape, price, and location. How can you find the right home that will perfectly fit your needs among all these choices? The answer is to focus on 'right-sizing' your house. What does it mean to 'right-size' your home? And how can you do this? Here's a brief guide. What is a Right Sized Home? Read More …

How To Use Contingencies To Protect Yourself When Purchasing A Home

22 November 2019
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

After you've looked at single-family home listings and picked out the perfect one, you'll make an offer. The purchase offer you create when buying a home is a contract that states exactly what you are willing to give the homeowner for the house they own. This contract also includes statements about what you expect and want out of the deal, and these are usually listed in the form of contingencies. Contingencies serve several important roles in real estate deals, and one of the roles is to give buyers protection. Read More …

Rabbit Owner Looking For An Apartment? 3 Home Features To Prioritize

12 November 2019
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

As the owner of a rabbit, you've likely put a lot of work into making sure that your rabbit will be healthy and have a comfortable life at home with you. While choosing the right diet, playthings, and habitat will all make a difference, the place that you live in can also make a big impact. When you're moving to a new apartment, it's best for you to take your time to select an apartment that is going to be a great match for your rabbit and their needs. Read More …