Searching for the Dream Home

If you are ready to begin a new home search, you need to determine what your budget is. Learn how to begin searching for your dream home. Click here.

Setting Up an Open House: 3 Tips to Make Your House Stand Out on Rainy Days

26 September 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Articles

Hosting an open house can be a great way to promote the sale of your house and is highly recommended by most realtors. Most home buyers will visit 3 to 5 houses a day when they are on the market for a home, and will be more likely to make an offer on the house that stands out the most to them. If you've looked at the weather forecast and already know that you'll be hosting your open house on a rainy day, here are three tips you should consider implementing. Read More …

Want To Move Into An Apartment While Living With A Disability? 3 Tips For Getting Started

29 August 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Disabilities that do not severely impact intellect typically allow people to do most of what an individual who does not have any kind of disability is capable of doing, but maybe with a limitation or two. If you are a young adult with a disability who wants to move out of your parents' house, the main problem that you may run into is finding a job that provides you with enough income to support yourself. Read More …

Why Making A Fresh Start Is Good For You

5 August 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Sometimes people stay put simply because they can't stand the trouble of moving. Selling a house and packing up your possessions may sound like too much work. However, moving someplace new can be good for your soul and your mind. Before you reject a chance to change locales, consider the positive things moving can do for you. Culture Moving someplace new can expose you to an entirely different culture. If you have always lived in the Midwest, moving to New Orleans will rock your world. Read More …

3 Refinancing Mistakes To Avoid

3 August 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

There are a couple of good reasons to refinance your home. You may need cash to deal with a large expense, like major home renovations or sending your child to college. Or you may simply want to trade your current loan in for one with more favorable terms. Either way, refinancing can be a smart move if you go about it the right way. However, there are certain refinancing mistakes that could leave you regretting the refinance down the road. Read More …

Selling Your Home? Here Are 3 Easy Ways To Improve Curb Appeal

26 July 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

If you are like most homeowners who plan to sell, you are probably thinking about how you can improve curb appeal before putting your place on the market. The more appealing your property is, the easier it will be to attract buyers. And when plenty of buyers are interested, you're more likely to get what you're asking for the place. Trimming your trees and weeding your garden is a great start, but there's much more you can do. Read More …